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Ursula says SIM cards re-registration deadline remains unchanged


There will be no extension for the deadline of SIM cards re-registration exercise slated for July 31, 2022, the Minister for Communications and Digitalization, Ursula Owusu-Ekuful, has said.

The Minister has asked the general public to be mindful of the timeline, stressing that “anyone who fails to re-register before the deadline does so at his/her own peril; all those who are adamant to embrace the exercise will have their SIM cards deactivated after July ending.”   

Earlier in March, the government extended the initial deadline for the exercise from March 31 to July 31, 2022. This was largely due to the inability of many people to obtain their Ghana cards for facilitate the re-registration.

The Minister emphasized that the exercise was very critical to protect the country’s cyber and digital space, and weed out criminals who perpetuate activities like mobile money fraud.

Mrs. Owusu-Ekuful was speaking at Acherensua to climax Girls in ICT programme for the Ahafo Region. One thousand (1,000) young girls selected from basic schools in the region received training in ICT. Outstanding 100 pupils and selected teachers were awards for their exploits.

She urged the young girls to take advantage of the Girls in ICT programme to position themselves in pursuing careers in the ICT space in order to justify the investment made in them. She also advised them to desist from using the internet for negative activities that could destroy their future.

The Acting Chief Corporate Service Officer-MTN Ghana, Nana Kofi Asare, underscored the importance of ICT to the socioeconomic development of society, thus the decision of MTN to partner the Ministry for the Girls in ICT programme.

He pledged the commitment of the company to collaborate with all stakeholders to sustain the initiative to help achieve the desire goals. He also commended the Communications Minister in particular for her unflinching support to the implementation of the programme.

The Girls-in-ICT initiative is one of the flagship programmes of the Ministry of Communications and Digitalisation with partners like MTN-Ghana. It is in line with the International Girls-in-ICT Day, an initiative introduced in 2012 and backed by all International Communications Unions (ITU) Member States.

It aims at encouraging and empowering girls and young women to consider studies and careers in ICT in the growing fields of ICTs, enabling both girls and technology companies to reap the benefits of greater female participation in the ICT sector.

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