Banking & Finance

UBA Ghana holds the maiden edition of the TEF Forum


UBA Ghana recently hosted the inaugural TEF Forum, a gathering dedicated to the accomplished alumni of the Tony Elumelu Foundation. This foundation, a prominent entrepreneurship programme in Africa, is committed to empowering both women and men across the continent, with the overarching goals of fostering economic growth, eradicating poverty, and fostering job creation.

The Tony Elumelu Foundation firmly believes that the private sector is the key to unlocking Africa’s economic potential. Through its unique ability to provide funding, training, mentorship, and networking opportunities for young African entrepreneurs, the foundation has established a platform that catalyzes growth throughout the African continent.

Tony O. Elumelu who coined the term Africapitalism believes that African resources must be used to develop the African continent and that will lead to prosperity for all.

Deputy Managing Director Uzoechina Molokwu welcomed and engaged with the alumni, emphasizing the importance of building relationships, sharing ideas, and discussing strategies for business growth during the session.

Uzoechina Molokwu highlighted that this engagement underscores UBA Ghana’s unwavering commitment to supporting and empowering entrepreneurs in their pursuit of business success and their contribution to the economic development of Africa.

Peter Dery, Head of Retail at UBA Ghana, provided valuable insights into the range of financial services and opportunities that UBA can offer to help alumni scale up their businesses. He also encouraged them to maintain accounts to monitor their business progress and potentially access bank facilities.

Henry Nii Dottey, Head of Marketing and Corporate Communication at UBA Ghana, assured participants of UBA’s ongoing support and announced that the bank would promote their products on its social media platforms. He also informed the alumni that there would be more engagement in the coming weeks to ensure they can continue to leverage the opportunities available to them from the Foundation.

The event received positive feedback from participants, underscoring the significant value of such gatherings in nurturing entrepreneurship and facilitating economic growth across Africa.

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