Banking & Finance

CalBank partners United Way Ghana to promote financial literacy for 600 young learners in Cape Coast


As part of the Bank’s Corporate Social initiative to improve upon basic education in deprived communities, CalBank PLC, in partnership with United Way Ghana, embarked on a CSR project at Pedu A&B Basic School in Cape Coast.

This project focused on coaching sessions for the young learners in the school, along with donations. The CalBank Emerging Leaders Cohort 1 team, as part of their group Corporate Social Initiative, volunteered to be coaches on the project.

Three members of the Emerging Leaders team, led by Pearl Arku, together with Kofi Siabi, Head of Marketing Department, joined thirteen (13) other members of staff from the Cape Coast Branch for the project.

The program began at 10:00 am at the school premises. Also, in attendance were some Chiefs from the area, Journalists, Parents, Representatives from United Way Ghana, Staff, and Pupils of the school. Pupils from the Lower Primary welcomed the event with poetry recitals.

CalBank PLC donated five hundred (500) story books and two (2) bookshelves to the school, to equip the children with reading skills to improve upon their English language. In a speech delivered by the Head of Marketing, the Bank further promised to assist with twenty (20) laptops for the school’s Computer lab, which currently has no computers.

Engagement activities with the young learners commenced at 10:30 am in their respective classrooms. The volunteers from CalBank PLC had opportunity to teach pupils from class 4 to JHS 3 on various topics, including personal hygiene, sex education, time management, goal setting, and financial literacy.

The JHS 3 pupils had a dedicated session to equip them with information on how they can better manage their lives after JHS 3, whether they have opportunity to pursue their education further or not.

There was also a session for the teachers, parents, chiefs, and other dignitaries present on financial literacy and introduction to the Bank’s products. All the sessions were interactive and very insightful. The participants expressed their excitement and appreciation.

The closing ceremony was held at 12pm, where the pupils from the cultural troop entertained the gathering to various choreography dances.

The Bank, through the staff at the Cape Coast Branch, will continue with further engagements and follow-ups on how the young learners are applying the knowledge gained. Members of the ELP cohort 1 will also organize and visit the school periodically to develop coaching relationships and mentor these young ones.

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