
Rotary bags EMY award

District Governor for Rotary District 9102, Victor Yaw Asante receiving the award from David Eduaful, Hotel Manager, Labadi Beach Hotel (left) and Victor Yaw Asante addressing the audience (right).

Rotary Ghana has won the “Group of the Year” award at the 7th EMY Africa Awards for their efforts aimed at improving communities and giving deprived people a better life across the country.

On a night where 28 awards were presented to various winners, organisers of the event, EMY Africa and Carbon AV Limited honoured Rotary for exemplifying the description of the award which recognises an outstanding organisation that by proof of their participation and contribution, have made an impact on society in Ghana.

Receiving the award, District Governor for Rotary District 9102, which includes Ghana, Togo, Benin and Niger, Victor Yaw Asante, who is also Managing Director of FBNBank Ghana said, “Rotary and Rotarians in Ghana have over the years committed themselves to delivering improvement in the lives of people and communities. The Clubs in Ghana have undertaken numerous projects and activities in the health and education sectors especially with the support of various partners including corporate entities, government agencies, organisations and individuals.

Through all these, Rotary remains committed to delivering more impact in the coming years where we will be tackling the socio-economic issues that impede development and deprive communities and individuals of the opportunity to attain their full potential. This award is a confirmation of our efforts and we are grateful for the recognition. I dedicate it to our committed and passionate Rotarians across Ghana. This certainly will spur us on to deliver greater impact in the communities in Ghana.”

Rotary brings together a network of volunteers who seek the welfare of people in both local and international communities. For well over a century Rotary has bridged cultures and linked people across the continents of the world to deliver improvement in communities. Over the years, Rotarians have trained young and adult leaders to prevent and mediate in conflict situations and help refugees. The effort to make our world a safe haven through the club’s numerous projects and activities, aimed at improving social development cannot be overlooked.

Rotary was introduced in Ghana in 1958 and has steadily grown into an organisation with 60 Cubs and a total of over 1,700 Rotarians. Ghana forms part of Rotary District 9102 which has 120 Clubs and 300 Rotarians across four countries Ghana, Togo, Benin and Niger. In Ghana, Rotary has supported efforts to tackle challenges like educational infrastructure, health facilities and equipment, provision of water and sanitation, health issues like disease control and prevention especially for Polio and COVID-19.

Globally, Rotary connects 1.4 million members of more than 34,000 Rotary Clubs in over 200 countries and geographical areas. Their work improves lives at both the local and international levels, from helping families in need in their own communities to working toward a better world. Today, Rotarians lend their time, expertise and resources to do good in communities focusing on; peace and conflict prevention and resolution, disease prevention and treatment, water and sanitation, maternal and child health, basic education and literacy, economic and community development and the environment.

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