Sika Mpε Dede, the maxim by the President has quickly metamorphosed into many things. From t-shirts to music and now, a book. The masterpiece authored by Certified Financial Fitness Coach; Peter Kwadwo Asare Nyarko & Certified Professional Trainer (CPT); Samuel Agyeman-Prempeh is an eye-opener on many salient money conversations.
Launched at the WestLionCo premises on the 25th of November 2022, it was well attended by patrons who thronged the place. Preceding the book launch was the Start-up Dialogue which saw experts in their various fields such as Ethel Anne Komlaga of Enterprise Bureau, Peter Kwadwo Asare of Center for Financial Literacy Education (CFLE Africa), Paul Frimpong of WestLionCo and Samuel Agyeman-Prempeh of Role Model Africa headlining the event.
Ethel Anne Komlaga who spoke on Entrepreneurship and Funding expounded the need for entrepreneurship in these uncertain economic crises. She explained the need for each entrepreneur to discover their makeup and use that to their advantage. She gave wonderful insights on how to position oneself for funding. In her words, “there is a lot of money for funding”. All one needs to do is to identify the many sources of funds available.
Peter Kwadwo Asare Nyarko, Executive Director for the Center for Financial Literacy Education (CFLE Africa) and co-author of Sika Mpε Dede engaged participants with priceless nuggets on financial planning. He broke down the complexities of money and the need for everyone to be financially independent. He said, “everyone must know the 5Ms of money. The Meaning of money, The Making of money, How to Manage it, How to Multiply and Move it”. He believes these pillars shape one’s financial trajectory.
Paul Frimpong of WestLionCo spoke on investments. Explaining the intricate details of investments especially in these times, he gave a detailed breakdown of the everyday financial jargons hurled at us by the experts. He explained that, “risk is closely tied to investment”. He asked all potential investors to read more before making any investment decisions.
The climax of the session enchanted participants with a delivery by co-author of the masterpiece, Samuel Agyeman-Prempeh sharing his perspective on the all-important subject of juggling between a day job and a side hustle. Broaching the topic which has become a favorite of many, both in the formal and informal sector, the IAPPD Certified Professional Trainer (CPT) engaged participants on the need for side hustles to become much more than something we do for survival. “We need to run our businesses so well that they function with effective systems and process, he highlighted. Mr. Agyeman-Prempeh emphasized the need for entrepreneurs to disintegrate themselves understand all aspects of the business but very importantly trust and work with team mates and partners as that serves as a catalyst for the growth of the business.
The event rounded up with the launch of what is potentially a bestseller ‘Sika Mpε Dede’. The book speaks on the many silent topics regarding money and its usage in our society and the world at large. A great companion to the student confused about money to the trader who seeks to make the most of his money to the investor who is in a dilemma on what to do in these times.
Peter Kwadwo Asare Nyarko and Samuel Agyeman-Prempeh’s ‘Sika Mpε Dede’ is a light for all in these challenging financial times.
Published by Lumière Creatif, the book is available on Amazon, Sayda, Booknook and Selar.