Consultations on Ghana’s much-anticipated energy transition and investment plan took place in Accra this week, as diverse stakeholders fromgovernment, the private sector, youth and civil-society organizations offered feedback on the plan ahead of its launch.
This energy transition and investment plan is expected to serve as the government’s main roadmap for achieving universal energy access and net-zero carbon emissions, as expressed under the country’s current Energy Transition Framework and Nationally Determined Contributions, while fostering economic growth and protecting jobs.
Ghana has set goals to diversify its energy portfolio, increase the role of renewables and reduce energy intensity. All of these will need to be done in paralleland the upcoming energy transition and investmentplan provides a detailed view of what is needed in terms of technical assistance and investment across key sectors.
By mapping out these needs, the plan will serve as the main tool for the government to engage the international community and investors for support. The Government of Ghana is developing the plan with technical support from Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL).
Ghanaian President Akufo-Addo and Damilola Ogunbiyi, CEO and Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All, and Co-Chair of UN-Energy, met in Accra to discuss theplan’s findings and recommendations, ensuring it is backed from the highest levels of government.
Ogunbiyi also participated in an inter-ministerial committee meeting, where she briefed ministers on how the plan is designed to support the work of various ministries, including environment, transportation, industry, and others.
At additional stakeholder engagement events, the private sector, civil-society organizations, youth andother advocacy groups were given the opportunity to weigh in on what they would like to see the plan prioritize. Among the points raised was the need for equitable access to the social and economic opportunities generated by the plan, such as jobs, particularly for women and youth.
Feedback from all consultations is guiding the plan’s finalization, with its launch expected to happen this fall.
A similar plan was launched in Nigeria last year and a dedicated Energy Transition Office has been established to drive the plan’s activation, having already secured USD 3.6 billion for its underlying projects.
Supporting quotes:
“Ghana is committed to a clean, equitable energy transition that harnesses the full potential of renewable sources and energy efficiency. However, ambition alone will not transform our energy systems, which is why we embarked on creating an energy transition and investment plan that details what is needed to reach our goals. I look forward to working with international partners to realize the many opportunities presented in this plan.”
His Excellency Nana Akufo-Addo, President of the Republic of Ghana
“It was a pleasure to meet with President Akufo-Addo, government ministers, local community groups and youth this week and hear first-hand how committed they are to a just and equitable energy transition. Theircommitment has translated to an ambitious energytransition and investment plan that builds a case forchanges across Ghana’s entire energy system. These changes present a tremendous opportunity for partners and investors from around the world to contribute to climate action and sustainable development in Ghana.”
Damilola Ogunbiyi, CEO and Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All, and Co-Chair of UN-Energy